Friday, 2 August 2013



Just to recode the flair of the historic background, a little awareness and love for heritage is needed !
When you walk along the sides of the majestic walls of the ancient Dogra heritage, you can smell the fragrance of royalty !! 
The broken windows  and  tired doors were once used to enjoy royal events and processions . Mubarak Mandi Complex, was once the residence of the rulers of the Dogra Dynasty. This is one of the ancient structure in Jammu which is over  150 years old that is recognized for its grandeur and beauty. The Mubharak Mandi Complex was divided into several different sections during  the time of Dogra rulers, which is unfortunately vanish.  The history has not been restored to  save our  cultural aesthetics, which have been dying quietly since years. Our government did not do their duties properly , our agencies keep on saying that renovation is going on to preserve our ancient heritage but it doesn't match the reality on the ground. Is it enough to re- built the structure? What about the real exquisite architecture?  And one more question has to be asked by our government, Why didn't you recognize MUBHARAK MANDI COMPLEX has been deteriorating since years ?

 Instead of preserving Dogra heritage building, the government was waiting  till it was converted into wreck.
Although the transformation is going on and we can say, it might be an amazing blend of ancient and modern architecture.The government is somehow, protecting  Jammu's precious and valuable heritage, so that people  should not feel that the government is  bleak or cold. No doubt, a massive conservation plan for rebuilding the ancient heritage is on, Despite that we would not be able to get the real traditional /cultural authenticity that we had in past in which  we can feel  the realm of our great Dogra rulers. Today we know that our heritage with the invasion of modern touch is vague, it is just about  "Preservation of the heritage".
We can’t go back to the past from our being , but we can go forward and can aware our generations, we can’t be the mute spectators or either watch our heritage turning into rubble, we can at least contribute in spreading the  knowledge, love and the significance of our ancient heritage. The need is to involve local crowd whose identity is shaped by the heritage and a future has no sense without the account of aesthetic  and  cultural value.  
We can open the windows of the complex with  pride and can proudly say that we have a rich historic background, if we would take a single step forward,not purely depended on the government to act !

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